Everything You Need to Know About Postpartum Doula Support

Telling people about my career never gets old as I’m always getting a range of responses when I share that I’m a doula. Some people know what a doula is but a postpartum doula may be new to them. Some people don’t know what a doula is at all, and I get to start with the basics. How could I get tired of explaining I get to help new and growing families EVERY day?

Bringing a new life into this world is an incredible journey that comes with its fair share of challenges. From sleepless nights to changing diapers, the initial postpartum experience may take a toll on a new parents physical and emotional well-being. This is where postpartum doula support can be a great help. Let’s explore everything you need to know about postpartum doula support, including what it is, when to hire one, and the benefits of having one of us  around.

So, What is a Postpartum Doula?

A professional who provides support to new parents (and their partners) during the postpartum period, which usually lasts a few weeks to a few months after the birth of their baby. Though we don’t have a specific timeframe, the goal is to provide families with the knowledge and confidence to “outgrow” our care. Postpartum doulas are trained in all aspects of newborn care and postpartum recovery, and we provide non-judgmental and compassionate care to families during this crucial period. At Whole Heart Doulas, we’ve taken even more educational opportunities so we can help with Infant feeding throughout the first year of your child’s life. That means no matter if you are choosing to breastfeed, bottle feed, or a combination we are there to help if and when any problems should arise (and they often do).

Postpartum Doula Support During Recovery from Birth

After giving birth, the body undergoes a great deal of physical, emotional, and hormonal changes. In addition to this, you must also take care of a newborn, which can be overwhelming. Postpartum doula support can be extremely beneficial during this time, as they provide assistance with daily tasks like feeding, diapering, and bathing the baby. They also help new parents with their own recovery by encouraging rest, facilitating conversations around postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, and helping you establish a routine that works best for each, individual family. Sometimes, it just feels nice to have someone around who “gets” it. Someone who can remind you that you’re doing a great job or that “crazy” thought you has isn’t actually that crazy. Whole Herat Doulas specializes in overnight postpartum care. Meaning, you can get a full night of rest, even with a newborn. Dreamy, right?

When to Hire a Postpartum Doula

Whether you are a first-time or experienced parent, I recommended that you consider hiring a postpartum doula as early as possible. Some families hire a postpartum doula months before the baby is born, while others wait until after the birth. The latter is perfectly fine, but it is important to note that postpartum doulas have busy schedules and may not always be available. It’s not a terrible idea to ask friends and family to chip in for doula support if you already have a baby registry. Doula support is the gift that keeps on giving!

What are the benefits of a Postpartum Doula

The benefits of having a postpartum doula are numerous. We offer emotional support and companionship, help with infant (and sometimes adult) feeding and provide education on infant care. Additionally, postpartum doulas have a wealth of knowledge about postpartum recovery and can help new parents address any concerns they may have. A postpartum doula is also there to help the family process the birth experience and can provide a safe space for them to talk about their thoughts and feelings. We can provide resources when you need them most and even sit with you while you make difficult or boring phone calls. We meet you where you’re at to provide support in the way you need it most. No need to get dressed, no need to feel like a “host” in your home. Every day is different with a new baby and we’ve seen just about everything.

Transitioning into parenthood is an exciting albeit challenging journey. Having a postpartum doula can be a great way to ease into this new chapter of life. Not only do we provide practical support with caring for a new baby, but we also offer emotional support to help uplift a new parent's spirits. If you are looking for some extra help during the postpartum period, I hope this article has helped you understand what a postpartum doula is, when to hire one, and the benefits of having one around. Remember, parenthood is not meant to be done alone. It takes a village and we are honored to be a part of yours.


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